Mintaro Institute
Clare Valley Festival of the Lamb Poetry Ballad Sing-along and Dinner
19 Sep 2024
The 2024 Clare Valley Festival of the Lamb is not just about the great local lamb, produce, wine and beers but includes a myriad of cultural activities with the historic Mintaro Institute being the hub.
The Mintaro Institute has been the centre of the town's social and cultural activity ever since the foundation stone was laid by the Attorney General, the Hon. Charles Mann, MP, on 4 February 1878.
The Mintaro Bush Poetry, Ballads, Sing-along and Community Dinner will be a night of storytelling, bush poetry and music with AUD15 entry and bookings essential.
Bring along a plate of food and a poem to share with others. Enjoy the Mintaro and Muleteer lamb sausages which are produced every September for the Clare Valley Festival of the Lamb, plus a glass or two of Mintaro Wines.
Local performer Richard Mintern will be there with some bush-inspired songs along with a performance by members of the Adelaide Plains Male Voice Choir and Peter Houldsworth from Mintaro Wines will recite some Australian classics. There is an open mic for others to provide bush-inspired poetry.